Many patients want missing tooth implant restoration, but because of busy work, few people dedicated to do dental implants. So, dental implant take? Will not delay the normal life and go to work? On this issue, we asked the experts.
Dental experts said, the advantages of growing teeth:
1. Retention is good, than the traditional dentures wearing solid, solid.
2. Chewing efficiency has greatly improved over traditional dentures, exactly like real teeth.
3. Implant denture base plate by a small, full fixed implant or no base plate, so beautiful and comfortable, no foreign body sensation, little effect on the pronunciation.
Plant commonly used dental implant system has a surgical implant, and two surgical implant, an implant system abutment of the implant as a whole is directly connected, directly stretching the entrance of the base station; the second base station and the planting of planting body is not a preformed whole, but until the bone around the implant bed with direct healing, and then dental equipment mucoperiosteal incision line abutment connection surgery. There are some differences between the repair time. Once planting is relatively simple columnar easy way, through an operation can be completed, removal of stitches after a temporary prosthesis can be fixed, stable 3 months after implant desirable mode, a few weeks to complete long-lasting repair. After an operation is best not to repair, such as 8 weeks after the basic stability of the implant body can do a temporary repair, do so after six months of permanent prosthesis.
The first implant surgery after 3 to 6 months, five to six months maxillary, mandibular three to four months until the implant-bone interface healing, the implant is capable to support restoration of function, then line two operations, then the base station. In another two weeks, you can start Yellow teeth black teeth whitening methods are there repairing treatment, and periodically reviewed. This planting method because of its effect, is widely used. No matter what kind of implant healing process should be 3 to 6 months, then begin the repair, 6 to 18 months for the bone remodeling process, after entering the steady state, but patients should be regularly reviewed to ensure that there are problems in time.
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