Acute bacterial stomatitis, also known as "acute membranous stomatitis", caused by a bacterial inflammation of the mouth, can be found in children of any age, but the incidence of infants and young children more. The memory of modern medicine in many human oral and non-pathogenic bacteria.
In the case of their health and maintain a relative balance of the body, does not cause disease, if the body weakened immunity, local inflammation of the mouth can occur, ulcers, or cause nearby tissue inflammation, severe cases can lead to serious systemic infection. Common pathogen was Streptococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae and so on. When the dental equipment mouth dirty, the more conducive to bacterial growth and disease. In medicine, mouth to the stomach of the awakened, the tongue of the heart of seedlings, spleen context of the tongue, so the incidence of this disease and heart, spleen, stomach and so on. If the stomach or the Heart and excessive heat, fumigation in the tongue, or congenitally dystrophy, caused by spleen and kidney deficiency, the system water is not fire, virtual fire inflammation caused the occurrence of the disease. Clinical manifestations: since the beginning of the oral mucosa congestion and edema, subsequent erosion or ulceration of varying sizes, scattered or clustered, can be integrated into the film, there is a thick white pseudo Juvenile dentition how to do membrane, the boundary clear, easy-wipe, the left hemorrhagic wound, but soon was pseudo membrane covered, often accompanied by local pain, mouth drooling, reluctance to eat, irritability, anxiety, fever and other symptoms.
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