Sometimes also for dental surgery, common surgical alveolar plastic surgery, leg buccal groove deepening technique, tongue tie extended surgery, teeth with resection.
Plastic surgery of the alveolar process is the most common denture surgery. After tooth extraction, tooth extraction wound healing process of absorption is not balanced, alveolar surface bone tip or sharp bone edge surface of the thin teeth Road cover, it is pain, or denture teeth care of oppression and pain, and some alveolar edge of the undercut, etc., should be trimmed. Plastic surgery of the alveolar process is generally about 1-2 months after tooth extraction. Generally not complex surgery, local anesthesia, in the alveolar top incision, mucoperiosteal opened, removes the sharp part of the osteotome or rongeurs, and then the incision sutured to the bone file level.
Gingival buccal groove deepening technique is due to alveolar ridge is too shallow, not wear dentures and do the surgery, this surgery is more complicated than the surgery. Commonly used mandibular conduction anesthesia and local anesthesia. A curved incision, this incision and the alveolar ridge from the edge of the frequency in order to achieve the depth of the buccal groove in the lip and buccal mucosa. Together with the organization under the mucous membrane to the periosteal with up to reveal, that is, the mucosal flap. Muscle cut and then attached to the bone surface, but also to want to increase with the depth of the buccal groove, then turning back to the mucosal flap, attached to the periosteal of the cut muscle, edge stitching, cut the muscles can be used iodoform gauze tapenade, or dental equipment iodoform gauze suture is fixed so as not to be together. Generally about one week for suture removal.
The tongue tie the extension of surgery frenulum or tongue tie too close to the alveolar crest in alveolar attachment, affect the dentures. Generally under local anesthesia, will tie the horizontal cut, and then the transverse suture can be.
Gingivectomy is the coverage of How cosmetic discolored teeth gingival hyperplasia in the root surfaces are prepared to do the crown. Removed under local anesthesia, and then plug stick agent or gutta oppression general about a week to remove the oppression with gutta or plug stick agent that can.
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