In principle, the arrangement of teeth missing should be early detection and early orthodontic treatment. The best orthodontic treatment time is the end of the teenagers teeth, the permanent dentition is fully formed, which is about 12-year-old adult orthodontic some special problems faced by adults over the growth and development of "broken bone" - "osteoblasts" reflects the capacity is lower than the young people, to accept the entire dental treatment, must be strictly controlled orthodontic force on the teeth, or easy on the teeth caused by trauma, and cause periodontal problems, adult orthodontic treatment is usually long, usually about two years time, so the longer of the age limit for orthodontic problems, experts believe, the greater the age, orthodontic more difficult, and orthodontic higher the price.
If you missed the best age for orthodontic, to physical aspects of health, in order to better quality of life, consult your dentist, as long as the good condition of the teeth periodontal, 30-year-old started doing orthodontics not too late, modern technology has been completely well with the ability to solve these problems, you have done is to coordinate closely with your dental equipment about two years time and perseverance, the successful completion of orthodontic treatment, you will find you are prompted to the description of all you pay is worth it, orthodontic age limit, the period of the children in the teeth can not do orthodontics, because of the poor so that the children of the jaw bone development. Orthodontics the method is, you can choose the method that suits you to be corrected. Active appliance, function sedan governance, fixed sedan governance device, orthognathic surgery can choose the method of orthodontic.
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